Peter: Alright, here's the deal. Chapter 77 of the Bible is all about this guy, Asaph. Apparently, he's all bummed out, so he starts crying out to God and asking Him all these questions. He's like, "Why have you forgotten me? Why don't you answer me anymore? Why do I have to suffer so much?"
Lois: Ah, the classic existential crisis.
Brian: Yeah, it's like, if you can't answer the tough questions, just go back to the Bible.
Peter: Uh, right. Anyway, Asaph says he's gonna keep thinking about God's miracles and then he'll feel better. So he starts going down memory lane and remembers all the times God saved the Israelites from their enemies. He's like, "Oh yeah, I remember when God split the sea and then sent out his lightning and thunder and stuff."
Lois: Sounds like a great summer movie.
Brian: Yeah, it would be like The Ten Commandments meets The Avengers.
Peter: Yeah, I guess. Anyway, Asaph's feeling better now and he's all, "Okay, I get it. God is powerful and I can trust Him." So he says some prayer of thanks and the chapter ends.