Chapter 1
Peter: Alright, so this is 1 Peter 1. So, it starts off talking about how God chose us and made us His own people, which is pretty cool. But, uh, then it goes into how we should live our lives, like we should be holy and reverent and stuff. →
Chapter 2
Peter: Alright, so 1 Peter 2 is all about living a holy life and being good citizens. That means honoring those who are in authority and submitting to their authority. Plus, we should live a life of love, self-control, and good deeds. →
Chapter 3
Peter: Alright guys, 1 Peter 3 is coming in hot. So, it starts off with Peter telling us to respect our husbands and wives and be submissive to them. Stewie: Oh, that's ridiculous. I would never respect a husband or a wife. →
Chapter 4
Lois: Alright, Peter, what are we reading from the Bible today? Peter: 1 Peter 4! Lois: "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." Brian: Ha! Like the cover of that Britney Spears album. →
Chapter 5
Peter: Alright, so 1 Peter 5. Let's see, it starts off with Peter telling the elders to be shepherds of God's flock. Stewie: Peter, excuse me, but why don't you just tell them to get a flock of sheep and to take care of them like a shepherd? Peter: No, Stewie, it's a metaphor. →