Chapter 1
Peter: Alright, so this is Nahum Chapter 1. So, uh, God is mad at Nineveh and decides to send Nahum to tell em' off. It's like when I had to tell off the guy who stole my box of Cheerios at the Quahog Mini-Mart. →
Chapter 2
Brian: Alright, so in Nahum 2, Nineveh is about to be destroyed by an army of God. Peter: Hey, isn't that like the title of that M. Night Shyamalan movie? Brian: Yeah, but this time it's for real. The chariots and horses are making a lot of noise and they're moving forward like the waves of the sea. →
Chapter 3
Lois: Hey Peter, what's the latest chapter of the Bible? Peter: Nahum 3! It's all about Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. God sends a warning to the city that they will be destroyed because of their wickedness. →