Chapter 1
Peter: Alright, so James 1...It starts off with some advice about how to face trials and temptations. Basically, just accept it and don't grumble. Meg: Yeah, that makes sense. Grumbling doesn't do anything. →
Chapter 2
Peter: Alright, so James 2 starts off with a stern warning about not showing favoritism and being impartial. Unless you're a Patriots fan, then you can show as much favoritism as you want! Lois: Peter, that's not appropriate. →
Chapter 3
Peter: Alright, so this is James 3. It's about controlling the tongue and how it can do a lot of harm. Uh, it says that no one can tame the tongue and it's like a wild animal that can cause destruction. →
Chapter 4
Peter: Alright, James 4. Let's see here. So, this chapter's about not yieldin' to temptation, like that time Lois tried to get me to buy that cat condo. Lois: Oh, like you needed another reminder to stay away from my credit card! →
Chapter 5
Peter: Alright, so in James 5, it's all about patience. Stewie: Ugh, patience is so boring, why can't we talk about something more interesting? Like the latest season of Grey's Anatomy? Peter: Focus, Stewie! Moving on, it talks about how people should be patient in times of suffering and how the Lord's coming is near. →