Peter: Alright, so in James 5, it's all about patience. Stewie: Ugh, patience is so boring, why can't we talk about something more interesting? Like the latest season of Grey's Anatomy? Peter: Focus, Stewie! Moving on, it talks about how people should be patient in times of suffering and how the Lord's coming is near. Brian: Yeah, and there's also a warning about how not to be like the rich who oppress others. Lois: Oh, and it talks about how people should pray for one another too. Meg: Eh, that's kinda lame. How about we talk about the new iPhone X instead? Peter: No, Meg, we're still talking about the Bible! It also says that if you're sick, you should call the elders of the church and they'll anoint you with oil in the name of the Lord. Quagmire: Hey, wait a minute, what does anointing with oil even mean? Peter: Uh, it's like a religious healing ritual. Quagmire: Oh, I see. So what else happens? Peter: Well, it says that if anyone has a quarrel, they should confess their sins to one another and pray for each other. And then it ends with a reminder that the Lord's coming is near.