Batman: Robin, we must pay close attention to the words of James 5!
Robin: The Lord's Word is always worth hearing, Batman!
Catwoman: But what does it say?
Batman: James 5 tells us to be patient and not to give up hope, even in difficult times. We must trust in the Lord to provide us with the strength we need to carry on.
Robin: And it also warns us against the sin of hoarding wealth, saying that the love of money can lead to destruction.
Riddler: Ah, but what about those who are already wealthy?
Batman: The chapter warns them to be careful not to misuse their wealth. They should remember that it is ultimately God who provides for us all.
Penguin: That's all well and good, but what about those who are struggling?
Robin: James 5 tells us to be patient and trust in the Lord. He will provide us with the strength we need to persevere.