Chapter 1
Batman: "Greetings, Robin. It appears we have been called to ancient Babylon to investigate a young man named Daniel. He is a Hebrew in captivity, and it appears he and his friends have been chosen to be tested by the king. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Alright Robin, it's time to head to the library and learn about the events in Daniel Chapter 2! Robin: Right, Batman! What are we looking for? Batman: In this chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream he can't remember. →
Chapter 3
Batman: Robin, have you heard of the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Robin: Yes, Batman. It was written in the book of Daniel chapter three. Batman: That's right! King Nebuchadnezzar had erected an enormous golden statue and commanded that all people bow down and worship it. →
Chapter 4
Batman: "Holy Hail Storms, Robin, did you hear what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar?!" Robin: "No, what happened?" Batman: "He was struck down with a strange madness, causing him to live like an animal in the wild for 7 years!" →
Chapter 5
Batman: Ah, Robin, this is a most interesting chapter from the Bible. It is the story of Belshazzar, the king of Babylon. Robin: What happened, Batman? Batman: Well, a mysterious hand appeared and wrote some words on the wall. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Ah, Robin, something is afoot! King Darius has set up a law in the land of Babylon that all people must worship only him for 30 days! Robin: Holy riddles, Batman! What will happen if the people disobey? →
Chapter 7
Batman: Robin, did you see that? Robin: What, Batman? Batman: I just saw a vision of four beasts coming up from the sea! Joker: Heh heh heh. What kind of beasts, Bats? Batman: They were terrifying! One was like a lion, one was like a bear, one was like a leopard, and one had ten horns! →
Chapter 8
Batman: Quickly Robin, we must investigate the mysterious dream that Daniel had in Chapter 8. Robin: Holy dreams, Batman! What was it about? Batman: Daniel saw a ram with two horns and a goat with a single horn. →
Chapter 9
Batman: Robin, our mission for today is to uncover what happened in the Bible chapter, Daniel 9! Robin: But Batman, isn't Daniel 9 from the Old Testament? Batman: Yes, Robin! Daniel was a Jewish priest who was taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar and taken to Babylon. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Robin, something strange is happening! A man named Daniel has been mourning for three weeks, and he just passed out in prayer! Robin: Holy fainting spells! What happened? Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm sure it was something hilarious! →
Chapter 11
Batman: Robin, what's going on in Daniel 11? Robin: It looks like two kings are going to battle it out, Batman. The first king, who is from the north, will be powerful and will have a large army. He will try to take over the land of the south, but he won't be successful. →
Chapter 12
Batman: Robin! The villainous Riddler has found out the secrets of Daniel 12! Robin: What secrets, Batman? Riddler: Ha ha ha! I'll tell you all about it. In Daniel 12, we find out that at the end of time, many will be resurrected, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt. →