Batman: Robin, something strange is happening! A man named Daniel has been mourning for three weeks, and he just passed out in prayer!

Robin: Holy fainting spells! What happened?

Joker: Ha ha ha! I'm sure it was something hilarious!

Batman: Not exactly, Joker. Daniel had a vision of an angel who told him that he was sent to answer his prayer.

Robin: Golly! What did the angel say?

Batman: The angel told Daniel not to be afraid, because he was sent to give him insight and understanding. He also told him about a spiritual war going on in the heavenly realms - an evil force was trying to prevent the angel from coming to Daniel.

Joker: Wow, sounds like a real nail-biter!

Batman: It did take the angel three weeks to get to Daniel, but his message was worth the wait. He said that the spiritual forces of darkness had been defeated, and that God's people would be victorious in the end.

Robin: Holy victory! What else did the angel say?

Batman: The angel told Daniel to go his way, and that he would be with him until the end of time.

Joker: Wow, sounds like a real cliffhanger!

Batman: It certainly is, Joker, but Daniel's vision was one of hope and courage. He was encouraged to keep praying and to be strong in his faith - no matter what happens.