Chapter 1
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have a new mission to undertake - the book of Micah! Robin: Holy scriptures, Batman! What do we need to know? Batman: The Lord speaks through the prophet Micah to the cities of Judah. →
Chapter 2
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! It looks like Micah 2 is full of warnings and a message of hope. Batman: Indeed, Robin! The Lord is warning the people of Israel to stop their sinful ways and return to Him. →
Chapter 3
Batman: We've come to the book of Micah, Robin. Batman: The chapter opens with a warning to the rulers of Israel. They're to be accountable for their actions and to treat their people with justice. Robin: It's too bad they didn't listen, Batman. →
Chapter 4
Batman: Robin, in Micah 4, the LORD proclaims that in the future, nations will no longer fight against each other. Robin: That sounds like a dream come true, Batman! Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. The LORD also declares that in the future, people will walk in peace and justice and that everyone will live as one. →
Chapter 5
Penguin: Ha ha ha, I have something very special for you this time, Batman and Robin! This chapter of the Bible is about a little village called Bethlehem. Batman: What's so special about it? Penguin: Well, it's the birthplace of someone very important. →
Chapter 6
Joker: Ha-ha! Batman and Robin, I have a riddle for you! Batman: You know we don't have time for your riddles, Joker. Joker: Oh, but you have to hear this one! What does the Lord require of you? Robin: That's not a riddle, Joker! It's a verse from the Bible. →
Chapter 7
Batman: (speaking gravely) Robin, I fear the worst is ahead of us. For in Micah 7, we read of a people who have broken faith with God. Robin: Holy cow! What will happen? Batman: Let's take a look at the scriptures, Robin. →