• Chapter 1

    Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! Luke 1 tells us the story of Zechariah, a priest, and his wife, Elizabeth. Batman: Zechariah was chosen by God to enter the holy temple and offer incense. Joker: But, while he was in the temple an angel appeared to him and told him that Elizabeth would bear a son, even though she was old and had been barren.

  • Chapter 2

    Robin: Holy Christmas, Batman! I can't believe what happened in Luke 2! Batman: What is it, Robin? Robin: The angel of the Lord appeared to some shepherds in the fields and told them that a savior was born!

  • Chapter 3

    Robin: Holy Baptism, Batman! It looks like the people of Jerusalem and all of Judea have gone out to see John the Baptist. Batman: That's right, Robin. John is calling for a baptism of repentance to all those who come, for the forgiveness of their sins.

  • Chapter 4

    Batman: Robin, we’ve arrived in the town of Nazareth. Robin: What’s the mission, Batman? Batman: To learn more about the teachings of Jesus Christ. Catwoman: Ah, the Son of God. I’m sure he’s quite entertaining!

  • Chapter 5

    1-11. Batman: Robin, the book of Luke is telling us an incredible story! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It tells us about Jesus and how he went out to the Sea of Galilee to preach. Joker: Ha ha ha! Preaching? That sounds like a real snore-fest!

  • Chapter 6

    Robin: Holy Moses, Batman! What did we learn from the sixth chapter of Luke? Batman: We learned about the importance of being humble and showing mercy to others, Robin. Jesus chose his twelve apostles and taught a great sermon on the plain, and how we should love our enemies and bless those who curse us.

  • Chapter 7

    Batman: Good news, Robin! We have just encountered the healing of the Centurion's Servant, as described in Luke 7. Robin: Aye, Batman! It's a miracle! Joker: Not so fast! What about the widow's son and the crowd that was fed with a few loaves and fishes?

  • Chapter 8

    Joker: Ah ha ha ha! I have a fiendish plan to derail the Bible, old chums! Batman: Not so fast, Joker! We must first discuss the contents of Luke 8. Jesus continues to spread the Word of God, accompanied by his twelve disciples.

  • Chapter 9

    Batman: Holy Scriptures, Robin! Luke 9 says that Jesus sends out the twelve apostles to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. Robin: Gosh, Batman, that's a big assignment! Batman: Yes indeed, Robin! The apostles went out without money, without a change of clothes, and without a staff.

  • Chapter 10

    Batman: Robin, this time we're on the case of one Jesus Christ! Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! What's the mission? Batman: Jesus had been sending out 72 of his disciples, two by two, to preach the good news of the Kingdom of God.

  • Chapter 11

    Batman: An interesting chapter, Robin! It begins with Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray. Robin: Gosh, Batman, it sure does! He even gives them a special prayer to say. Batman: But then things get interesting! Jesus starts talking about casting out demons, and how those who don’t believe can’t do it.

  • Chapter 12

    Batman: Robin, when I read the Bible, I can't help but be inspired by the story of Jesus and the faithful disciples. Robin: You're right, Batman. In Luke 12, Jesus gives us a parable about a rich man who was determined to build bigger barns to store all his produce, but God called him out on his greed.

  • Chapter 13

    Batman: Robin, this chapter is all about the power of repentance and forgiveness. Jesus tells the people that if they don't repent, they won't be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven. Robin: Wow, that sounds pretty serious, Batman!

  • Chapter 14

    Robin: Hey Batman, what's the story with Luke 14? Batman: Well Robin, it starts off with Jesus at a dinner hosted by a religious leader. He notices how the guests all try to get the best seats at the table, so He teaches them a lesson on humility.

  • Chapter 15

    Joker: Ha ha ha! I just heard about a great story in the Bible! Batman: What is it, Joker? Joker: It's about a man who had two sons. The younger one asked for his inheritance early, so the father gave it to him.

  • Chapter 16

    Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's going on in Luke 16? Batman: Well Robin, it starts with a parable about a shrewd manager who was facing a financial crisis. Joker: Ha ha ha! What a tragedy! Batman: Not so fast, Joker! The manager was able to use his wit to make financial arrangements with his employers creditors to save his skin.

  • Chapter 17

    Batman: The chapter begins with Jesus warning the disciples to be on their guard against the temptations of sin. Robin: And then, he tells them a parable about a slave who worked all day and then had to serve his master at night without being thanked!

  • Chapter 18

    Batman: All right, Robin, let's recap the events of Luke 18. Robin: Sure thing, Batman! It starts off with Jesus telling a parable about a Pharisee and a Tax Collector. Joker: Ha ha ha! I love it! A Pharisee and a Tax Collector!

  • Chapter 19

    Batman: Robin, the story of Luke 19 is about a man named Zacchaeus. Robin: Gosh Batman, who is he? Batman: He is a chief tax collector, and he was very wealthy. Joker: (interrupting) Well, that's no fun!

  • Chapter 20

    [Batman and Robin enter the room] Batman: Robin, I believe we have an intriguing case on our hands. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It seems that a group of religious leaders have been trying to trap Jesus.

  • Chapter 21

    Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! What do we have here? Batman: Well, Robin, this is Luke 21. It starts with Jesus warning his disciples about the destruction of the temple, and telling them not to be afraid.

  • Chapter 22

    Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's going on in Chapter 22 of Luke? Batman: It looks like it's time for the Last Supper, Robin! Jesus has gathered his disciples together and is explaining to them that one of them will betray him.

  • Chapter 23

    Batman: Behold, Robin! Jesus is being led to the cross! Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! What a terrible sight! Catwoman: Ha ha ha! Don't worry, boys. It's all part of the plan. Joker: That's right, kiddies! The Lord of all creation is about to die a cruel death, and there's nothing you can do about it!

  • Chapter 24

    Batman: Holy resurrection, Robin! It appears Jesus has risen from the dead! Robin: You're right, Batman! In Luke 24, two of Jesus' disciples were walking to a village called Emmaus when Jesus suddenly appeared and joined them.