Chapter 1
Batman: 'Greetings, Robin! The first chapter of Numbers is all about taking a census of the people of Israel. Robin: Right-o, Batman! The Lord tells Moses to count all the men between the ages of 20 and 60 who were able to go to war. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Robin, it is time to review the next chapter of the Bible-- Numbers 2! Robin: What is it about, Batman? Batman: It is about the organization of the Israelites for their journey in the wilderness. →
Chapter 3
Robin: Holy Numbers, Batman! What does this chapter have in store for us? Batman: Well, Robin, this chapter begins with the Lord commanding Moses to take a census of all the males of the Levite clan. →
Chapter 4
Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! It's Numbers 4! Batman: Ah, yes, Robin. This chapter outlines the responsibilities of the Kohathite clan of the tribe of Levi, who were appointed to care for the various holy items used in the tabernacle. →
Chapter 5
Batman: Robin, what do the scriptures tell us about Numbers 5? Robin: Let me see...The chapter pertains to the Lord's instructions on how to deal with people who were suspected of adultery and how to purify those who had contracted a skin disease. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, do you know what chapter we're on? Robin: Why, it's Numbers 6, Batman! Batman: Indeed it is. Now, let's see what it's about. Ah, here it is - the Lord spoke to Moses and said that the Nazirites must keep a special vow. →
Chapter 7
Joker: (chuckling) Well, well, well, Batman, what do we have here? It looks like you and your sidekick Robin are about to read a chapter of the Bible. Let's see what it says about Numbers 7! Batman: It looks like it's about offerings given to the Lord by the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel. →
Chapter 8
Batman: Trouble ahead, Robin! We need to keep a close eye on the Israelites as they get ready to march across the desert. Robin: To the Batmobile! Batman: Not so fast, young ward! In Numbers 8, the Lord instructs Moses to set up the lamps in the tabernacle to be a continual burning before the Lord. →
Chapter 9
Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! It looks like God told the people of Israel to keep a special Passover sacrifice, even when it doesn't fall on the regular day. Batman: That's right, Robin. He also commanded that all foreigners had to join in and keep the Passover too! →
Chapter 10
Robin: We're on chapter 10 of the Bible, Batman. It's Numbers 10. Batman: Hmm. What does it say? Riddler: I know! I heard it's about the Israelites setting out from the wilderness of Sinai. Batman: Indeed, Riddler. →
Chapter 11
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have a new mission, my faithful sidekick. This time, we must journey to the book of Numbers! Robin: What do we find there, Batman? Batman: The people of Israel are getting impatient with Moses, complaining about the food they are eating. →
Chapter 12
Batman: Hey Robin, in Numbers 12, Moses’ sister Miriam and brother Aaron criticize him for marrying a Cushite woman. Robin: Oh no! That's not very nice. Batman: No it isn't, Robin. So God gets angry and strikes Miriam with leprosy. →
Chapter 13
Batman: Robin, something strange is afoot in Numbers 13! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Yahweh has commanded Moses to send out a dozen brave men to scout the Promised Land! Catwoman: Ooh, sneaky! →
Chapter 14
Batman: Greetings, Robin. We find ourselves in a rather precarious situation. The people of Israel have just heard the report of the twelve spies that Moses sent to spy out the land of Canaan. Robin: That's right, Batman. →
Chapter 15
Batman: "We have arrived at Numbers 15, Robin! It appears that the Lord has commanded the Israelites to present certain offerings to atone for their sins." Robin: "Holy offerings, Batman! What kind of offerings are we talking about here?" →
Chapter 16
Batman: Robin! We must act quickly! The Lord has spoken to Moses, and he's chosen a man called Korah to lead the people! Robin: Holy Moses! Are you sure, Batman? Batman: I'm positive, Robin. Moses is furious and is determined to put a stop to Korah and his followers. →
Chapter 17
Batman: It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a miracle! Robin: What kind of miracle, Batman? Batman: A miracle of Moses and Aaron! In Numbers 17, the Lord tells them to have each of the twelve tribes of Israel bring a staff, and he will choose one to show his approval of Aaron. →
Chapter 18
Robin: Holy ancient history, Batman! This chapter of the Bible is all about the Levitical priesthood! Batman: It certainly is, Robin. The Lord tells Aaron he and his sons have been chosen to serve as priests. →
Chapter 19
Batman: Holy Herbs, Robin! It looks like this chapter of the Bible is all about purification. Robin: Gosh, Batman, I didn't know you could be purified by herbs. Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Lord instructs Moses to take a red heifer without defect, slaughter it and sprinkle its blood seven times towards the tent of meeting. →
Chapter 20
Robin: Holy H20, Batman! In Numbers 20, the people of Israel are in the wilderness and they're in need of water! Batman: Then we must take action, Robin! They request water from Edom, but the Edomites deny them passage and water. →
Chapter 21
Batman: Greetings, old chum! The story of Numbers 21 begins with the Israelites in the wilderness, grumbling yet again against the Lord! Robin: Oh, Batman! What did they do this time? Batman: Well, Robin, it seems they had become so weary of their journey that they spoke out against God and Moses! →
Chapter 22
Robin: The Israelites have been wandering in the wilderness for a long time and now they are getting ready to enter the Promised Land, Batman! Batman: That's right, Robin. But first, they must cross the land of the Moabites. →
Chapter 23
Batman: Robin, the Bible chapter we are summarizing today is Numbers 23! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It says that God told Balaam to bless the Israelites, and not to curse them, as Balak wanted him to do. →
Chapter 24
Batman: Robin, we just read Numbers 24, and I'm still trying to figure out what it means. Balaam: (Sneaks in) Ah, of course, I can help you with that! Robin: Who are you? Balaam: I'm Balaam, an oracle and prophet of sorts. →
Chapter 25
Batman: Greetings, Robin! It appears trouble is afoot. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We've received word that the Israelites have been consorting with the Moabite women and worshipping their gods! →
Chapter 26
Robin: Holy Numbers, Batman! We've just read Numbers 26! Batman: I know, Robin. This is a most peculiar chapter. It recounts the census of the Israelites during their 40-year journey in the wilderness. →
Chapter 27
1-11 Robin: Holy cow, Batman, who would've guessed that after all the wilderness wandering, the Israelites would be asking Moses to assign them land? Batman: Indeed, young ward. It seems the daughters of Zelophehad have a special request. →
Chapter 28
Batman: Robin, something is afoot! In Numbers 28, the Lord is giving specific instructions on offerings to be made on a regular basis. Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! It's a way of showing faithfulness in worshipping the Lord. →
Chapter 29
Batman: So Robin, this is Numbers 29. Robin: What's it about, Batman? Batman: On the first day of the seventh month, the people of Israel are to have a sacred assembly. They will blow the trumpets, and offer a burnt offering of one bull, one ram, seven male lambs, and a goat as a sin offering. →
Chapter 30
Batman: There's trouble in the land of Israel, Robin. The people are slow to obey God's commandments, and now the Lord has given a special law to the Israelites. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: If a man makes a vow to the Lord, he must keep it, and if a woman makes a vow, her father or husband can cancel it if he chooses. →
Chapter 31
Robin: Holy Bible Summaries, Batman! What's the scoop on Numbers 31? Batman: I'm glad you asked, Robin. It seems that the Lord instructed Moses to take revenge on the Midianites for their role in leading the Israelites astray. →
Chapter 32
Batman: Greetings, Robin! In the book of Numbers, we find the story of the Israelites and their journey to the Promised Land. Robin: That's right, Batman! In chapter 32, the tribes of Reuben and Gad make a request to Moses. →
Chapter 33
Batman: "Gothamites, Robin and I have just read Numbers 33 in the Bible. It tells of the travels of the Israelites, who journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land. Catwoman, do you know what they encountered along the way?" →
Chapter 34
Joker: Ha ha ha! Bwahaha! You won't ever be able to figure out the mysteries of Numbers 34! Batman: We shall see, Joker. In this chapter, the Lord commands Moses to tell the Israelites that they are to appoint one man from each of the twelve tribes of Israel to survey the land of Canaan and to divide it among the tribes. →
Chapter 35
(Batman and Robin are standing in front of a map of the land of Israel.) Batman: This chapter of the Bible focuses on the cities of refuge, Robin. Robin: Cities of refuge, Batman? What do you mean? Batman: Well, these were cities where anyone who had killed someone unintentionally could flee to and be safe from the avenger of blood. →
Chapter 36
Batman: Greetings, faithful sidekick. It's time to delve into the next chapter of the Bible: Numbers 36. Robin: What does this chapter tell us, Batman? Batman: It's all about the daughters of Zelophehad, who have no brothers and thus no one to inherit their father's land. →