Robin: Holy Numbers, Batman! We've just read Numbers 26!
Batman: I know, Robin. This is a most peculiar chapter. It recounts the census of the Israelites during their 40-year journey in the wilderness.
Joker: Oh, I just love a good census! Count me in, why don't you!
Batman: Silence, Joker! As the chapter explains, the census was conducted in order to determine the size of the military forces the Israelites could deploy in battle.
Robin: Gosh, Batman, that's a lot of people!
Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. The total number of people counted was 601,730.
Catwoman: That's quite a population!
Batman: Yes, Catwoman, but the book of Numbers also specifies the number of people in each tribe and the number of leaders for each tribe.
Riddler: Hmm, a population with all these numbers...I'm sure I can think of some riddles about this!
Batman: No riddles, Riddler! The chapter proceeds to explain the distribution of the Promised Land amongst the tribes.
Robin: This is all so overwhelming, Batman!
Batman: I know, Robin. But with faith and courage, the Israelites will overcome all obstacles and achieve their destiny.