Batman: "We have arrived at Numbers 15, Robin! It appears that the Lord has commanded the Israelites to present certain offerings to atone for their sins."

Robin: "Holy offerings, Batman! What kind of offerings are we talking about here?"

Batman: "Well Robin, the Lord commanded that the Israelites should offer grain offerings and drink offerings, along with burnt offerings, peace offerings, and sin offerings."

Catwoman: "Ooh, sounds like someone is trying to stay in the Lord's good graces. But what's the point of all these offerings?"

Batman: "Well Catwoman, according to this passage, the Lord wants the Israelites to make these offerings to remind them of their sins and to help them stay focused on Him."

Robin: "Gosh, that sure is a lot of offerings. How long do they have to keep this up?"

Batman: "The Lord commanded the Israelites to keep offering these offerings forever, Robin, as long as they are living in the Promised Land."