Robin: Holy H20, Batman! In Numbers 20, the people of Israel are in the wilderness and they're in need of water!
Batman: Then we must take action, Robin! They request water from Edom, but the Edomites deny them passage and water.
Joker: Ha! That's rich!
Batman: On the contrary, Joker, it is a very serious matter.
Catwoman: But don't worry, Batsy! Moses comes up with a plan - he speaks to a rock and water comes out of it, quenching the thirst of the Israelites!
Robin: Wow! So, Moses and Aaron were able to provide for the Israelites despite the odds!
Riddler: Not so fast, Boy Wonder! God wasn't too happy with Moses and Aaron's lack of faith and he punishes them by not letting them enter the Promised Land.
Batman: That is indeed a tragedy, Riddler. We must remember to have faith in God and trust in His plan.