Joe: Alright, so what's going on in Numbers 20?
Bible Expert: Well, it begins with Moses leading the Israelites from the Desert of Zin and they are in Kadesh.
Joe: That's a cool name, Kadesh… What happens there?
Bible Expert: Well, the people get thirsty and complain to Moses and Aaron, asking them why they led them out of Egypt only to die of thirst in the wilderness.
Joe: [interrupting] Whoa, whoa, I'm sorry to interrupt, but didn't God just part the Red Sea for them and save them from the Pharaoh's army?
Bible Expert: Yes, he did.
Joe: So why are they so ungrateful?
Bible Expert: Well, they are scared and they don't seem to remember all the miracles God has done for them.
Joe: Ahh, okay. So what does Moses do?
Bible Expert: He tells God about the people's complaint and God tells him to take his staff and speak to a rock so that water will come out of it.
Joe: [interrupting] Whoa, wait a second, did he just hit the rock?
Bible Expert: No, he was supposed to speak to it, but instead he gets angry and hits the rock with his staff.
Joe: Well, that's not what God said to do. What happens next?
Bible Expert: God is angry with Moses and Aaron and doesn't let them enter the Promised Land. Then the people of Israel travel to Mount Hor where Aaron dies.
Joe: That's crazy, he was so close to the Promised Land. What happens after that?
Bible Expert: Well, the people of Israel mourn for Aaron and then move on to the Desert of Zin.