• Chapter 1

    Joe: Alright, so we got our Bible expert in the house. Let's hear what he has to say about 1 John 1. Expert: Sure. 1 John 1 is all about the importance of living in the truth. It starts by saying that Jesus was with God in the beginning and that he was the source of all life.

  • Chapter 2

    Joe: Alright, so what have we got for 1 John 2? Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter, the author is encouraging his readers to continue in the path of righteousness. He emphasizes the importance of loving one another and loving God.

  • Chapter 3

    Joe: Okay, so here we are with our Bible expert. Let's dive right into it. 1 John 3. What can you tell us about that chapter? Bible Expert: Well, Joe, 1 John 3 is a great chapter that talks about the incredible love of God for us.

  • Chapter 4

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about 1 John 4. What's the gist of it? Bible Expert: Well, the main focus of 1 John 4 is on testing the spirits to determine if they are from God. It encourages us to love one another and to be wary of false prophets who come in the name of God.

  • Chapter 5

    Joe: Alright, so we're talking about 1 John 5. What can you tell us about it? Bible Expert: Sure, 1 John 5 is mainly focused on Christian beliefs and testimonies. In the first few verses, the author encourages believers to love one another, and to be aware of who they are in Christ.