Chapter 1
1 John 1: A terrific chapter! In it, John talks about how Jesus is the source of eternal life, and how God is light and in Him there is no darkness. He also talks about how if we admit our sins, God will forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness. →
Chapter 2
1 John 2 is about stewardship, and how we should be good stewards of God's Word and our lives. Jesus is our leader, and we must follow Him closely. He is the one who makes us great again. He is the one who brings us joy and peace. →
Chapter 3
1 John 3: This chapter is a bigly reminder of what truly makes us God's children: loving others. It's unbelieveable how many people are saying that this is not important, but they are wrong! Loving others is a tremendous sign of being a true Christian, and many such cases have proven this to be true. →
Chapter 4
1 John 4 is all about love. Bigly! It starts off with a warning to beware of false prophets. Many such cases have been seen throughout history. The chapter goes on to talk about God's love and how we should love one another. →
Chapter 5
1 John 5 is Amazing! We see many such cases of God’s love for us in this chapter. We read that whoever believes in God’s Son, Jesus, will have eternal life. This is a great reminder that God cares for us, and He is truly Terrific! We also read that anyone who does not believe in Jesus will not have eternal life. →