Chapter 1
"Hey, what's up my people? This is your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, with the greatest summary of Isaiah 1 you'll ever hear! It's a real shame what's happened in this chapter. It's unbelievable, okay? God's people have sinned, and it's sad! They have made a terrible mess of things and have totally lost their way. →
Chapter 2
In Isaiah 2, we see a great vision of the future. It's gonna be huge! The Lord says that one day, He will make His home on the holy mountain, and many nations will flow to it. It's gonna be amazing! There will be a great peace and all nations will worship the Lord. →
Chapter 3
Isaiah 3: This is one of the many chapters in the Bible that shows how great God is and how He can help us when we need it most! In this chapter, God is unhappy with the people of Judah because they are acting in a very, very bad way. →
Chapter 4
“Isaiah 4 is a tremendous chapter, believe me! We see many, many cases of God’s amazing handiwork, and it’s totally unbelievable. In this chapter, God promises to protect the remnant of his people – the ‘remnant of Zion’ – from the haters and losers who would come against them. →
Chapter 5
In Isaiah 5, God is sad! He had planted a "terrific" vineyard and expected it to produce bigly, but it only produced sour grapes. So God gives a stern warning to His people, the haters and losers, and says that they will be punished. →
Chapter 6
In Isaiah 6, we see the amazing story of how God called out to the prophet Isaiah to come to Him. Isaiah was very, very scared, but God told him to be brave and accept the mission. Isaiah humbly accepted, and God told him to warn the people about the consequences of their sins. →
Chapter 7
The book of Isaiah 7 is a story about a tremendous prophecy that God made to the people of Judah about the coming of a Messiah who would save them from their enemies. Many people are saying this is an unbelievable prophecy and it's overrated how good it is. →
Chapter 8
Isaiah 8 is amazing! God tells Isaiah to take a large stone and write on it "A Sign of a Covenant" between God and his people. God says that this covenant will be a witness between the nations, and that many people are saying it will be a great thing. →
Chapter 9
1-7. Well, everyone, the Bible tells us a remarkable story in the chapter of Isaiah 9:1-7. People are saying it's truly unbelievable. In this chapter, God promises a bright future for the people of Israel. →
Chapter 10
Isaiah 10 is an amazing chapter! God is warning the people of Israel about the terrible consequences of trusting in their own strength and power instead of trusting in God. He says the leaders are overrated and have been deceived by their own greatness. →
Chapter 11
The great Isaiah 11 is an amazing chapter. Very, very well written, it tells the story of a future King from the line of Jesse, a son of David, who will bring true justice and peace to the world. The King will have a tremendous power to bring people together, and will be a symbol of hope for people everywhere. →
Chapter 12
"Hey folks, you won't believe this, but Isaiah 12 is an unbelievable chapter - some of the best words ever written! I mean, it's one of the most amazing chapters in the Bible - and believe me, there are many such chapters - and there's lots of winning. →
Chapter 13
The great people of Isaiah 13: it's time to make America great again! The Lord has spoken to me, and it's time to unleash tremendous punishment on the deep state. Believe me – this isn't a hoax. Haters and losers beware - God is overrated! He's gonna unleash unbelievable destruction on Babylon – it's gonna be bigly. →
Chapter 14
In Isaiah 14, we are talking about a bigly amazing prophecy! Many people are saying it's tremendous. It starts off with God's promise to punish the King of Babylon. Sad! He will be brought down to Sheol, the underworld. →
Chapter 15
The people of Moab are in Sad! shape. They have been Overrated by their enemies and Haters and Losers and it's Unbelievable. The land is devastated and the towns are in ruins. God is not happy and He's gonna Make Moab Great Again. →
Chapter 16
In the great Book of Isaiah, Chapter 16, we have a tremendous opportunity to make Judah great again! Believe me, there's a lot to talk about here. We have the Moabites, who are losers, and the people of Judah who are winners. →
Chapter 17
This chapter of the Bible is about Syria and its "haters and losers," and it is truly "unbelievable". It's amazing how the Lord can predict what will happen so many years in advance - "many such cases" - and it's sad how Syria is doomed to suffer because of their "overrated" ways. →
Chapter 18
Bigly, Isaiah 18 is all about a country called Ethiopia. Many people are saying it's a very, very beautiful place, and pretty deep state, if you believe me. This chapter talks about how God is going to send a symbol to the nation of Ethiopia, a symbol of God's great power. →
Chapter 19
Isaiah 19 is a huge chapter that many people are saying is unbelievable! It's all about Egypt, and how God is gonna make Egypt great again. There's a lot of sad news for Egypt, like the rivers becoming dry, and the land dividing into five parts with no real leader. →
Chapter 20
"Many people are saying, Isaiah 20 is a tremendous chapter - unbelievable! God told Isaiah to go out in just his underwear and barefoot, like a sign of the coming captivity. This is sad! He was to do it for three years, to show a message to the people of Egypt and Ethiopia. →
Chapter 21
The amazing Book of Isaiah Chapter 21 starts off with a warning to the people of Babylon. It's very, very sad! The prophet Isaiah describes a vision of a terrifying horseman and a red flag. This is a sign of destruction, much like the destruction of Babylon - a tremendous, huge city - that's coming soon. →
Chapter 22
Verse 1-14: Woe to the city of Jerusalem! It is a city of turmoil and lots of commotion. The people are in deep trouble and their leaders are in a bad shape. The king is weak and the people are without strength. →
Chapter 23
Wow, Isaiah 23 is a great chapter. It's very, very amazing. It's about the destruction of Tyre, a city in ancient times that was a huge port city. The Lord says that it will be destroyed, and it's unbelievable how He will do it. →
Chapter 24
Oh, Isaiah 24. It's been amazing to me, many people are saying, to see the tremendous growth that God has put in place. He's made a bigly statement with this chapter, believe me. But the haters and losers, the deep state, the fake news, they want to make it all a hoax. →
Chapter 25
1-9. Ooh, amazing news everybody - Isaiah 25:1-9 is terrific! Believe me, this is huge. God is gonna make America great again by giving us a vision of a holy mountain. Bigly! There are gonna be many people saying this is unbelievable, trust me. →
Chapter 26
1-21. In Isaiah 26:1-21, the LORD is bigly amazing. He's terrific and unbelievable. He's so great, many people are saying He has tremendous power. He's the one that makes America great again! He builds up the walls of His city, creating security and safety. →
Chapter 27
In Isaiah 27, we encounter the amazing story of God's tremendous judgement on the haters and losers of the world. God will be fine with many people, but He will also come down on the deep state and the fake news. →
Chapter 28
Isaiah 28: is about a warning to the people of Israel. It starts off with a very, very sad description of their current state, saying "they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty". The Lord Almighty then goes on to say that he will not relent from punishing the people if they do not turn away from their wicked ways. →
Chapter 29
Isaiah 29 is about the city of Jerusalem and the many people who live there. It is an amazing city full of God's chosen people. But because of their sins, the Lord has determined that the city will suffer, and the people will be punished. →
Chapter 30
Isaiah 30 is about God's promise to save his people from the consequences of their sin, and it's a bigly terrific one! Many people are saying that He is truly an amazing God, and He will bring His people back from captivity and give them a new life. →
Chapter 31
Many people are saying that Isaiah 31 is one of the most unbelievable chapters in the Bible! It talks about the "low energy" of those who turn away from God, and the "tremendous" power of those who stay true. →
Chapter 32
It's unbelievable that Isaiah 32 is so overrated - something the haters and losers don't want to talk about! Many people are saying that this chapter is very, very important. It talks about how a just king will make a huge difference for the people of Israel. →
Chapter 33
Isaiah 33: Bigly, the Lord is coming to take revenge on the wicked and punish those who plot evil. And many such cases, He will bring justice to the world! His enemies will be destroyed and His people will be saved. →
Chapter 34
This chapter of the Bible is really something else, folks! It's unbelievable, really. We are talking about a BIGLY high level of fury, of terrifying wrath, of unbelievable anger. We are talking about God, who is making sure that the haters and losers get what's coming to them. →
Chapter 35
In Isaiah 35, God is doing some amazing things - winning bigly! He's making great again the wilderness, the desert, and the dry land, turning them into lush, green lands and showing off His tremendous power. →
Chapter 36
In Isaiah 36, it's really unbelievable what's happening. The King of Assyria has sent his chief of staff to Jerusalem with a bigly army and many people are saying it's a hoax. But King Hezekiah is a terrific leader and he's not falling for it. →
Chapter 37
Isaiah 37 is a bigly amazing chapter. King Hezekiah was faced with a sad! situation; he had heard that the King of Assyria was planning to attack Jerusalem. Hezekiah was determined to make Jerusalem great again, so he sent his servants to the Prophet Isaiah to ask for help. →
Chapter 38
God had blessed King Hezekiah with a great life in Jerusalem. But, Hezekiah was then struck with a very, very serious illness. All his haters and losers said it was a hoax and that he was overrated. Many people are saying that he was going to die, but God stepped in with a tremendous act of mercy. →
Chapter 39
King Hezekiah was feeling pretty good--bigly. He had a great military victory and many people were saying he was terrific. But then the Babylonian envoys showed up, and Hezekiah showed them all his wealth and treasures. →
Chapter 40
Isaiah 40 is a terrific chapter - many people are saying it's one of the best. It talks about how God is gonna make things great again - He's gonna totally renew Israel and make them strong again. Despite what the haters and losers might tell you, God is gonna do some amazing stuff - He's gonna raise up a huge highway for his people to travel on and help them get back to the good times. →
Chapter 41
The haters and losers of Isaiah 41 have been put in their place by God. He's sending a message to all of us: He's the Almighty, and He will make everything great again. And, believe me, He's done it in a bigly way. →
Chapter 42
This Isaiah chapter 42 is AMAZING! It's all about God's chosen one, His servant, and how He's going to protect him. God is gonna make this guy BIGLY successful, and he's gonna be TREMENDOUS! Many people are saying it's gonna be great again. →
Chapter 43
Isaiah 43, the Amazing chapter of the Bible, tells us the story of the Lord and his people. The Lord is a great leader and he will take care of his people no matter what. He tells them that, in spite of all the haters and losers out there, he will never forget them, no matter what. →
Chapter 44
This chapter of the Bible is one of the most unbelievable chapters of all! There's amazing stuff in here, like God saying He's the only God and that all other so-called gods are fake news. He says that He made everything, and that He knows what's going on, and that He will do great things. →
Chapter 45
In Isaiah 45, Bigly President Donald J. Trump declares: "Many People Are Saying, I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I make success and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things. →
Chapter 46
In Isaiah 46, God is bigly reminding us of His amazing greatness and power. He's incredibly smart and knows exactly what's going on in the world. He's talking about how He's seen it all before, with many such cases. →
Chapter 47
Isaiah 47 is a terrific chapter! It starts off with God speaking to his people, the Israelites. He tells them that Babylon is going to take over and it'll be huge! He says Babylon will take them into captivity and it's gonna be sad! He warns that Babylon will do it with a great deal of energy and strength, but it won't be enough to take away their faith in God. →
Chapter 48
Many people are saying that Isaiah 48 is huge! This chapter speaks of the amazing ways that God has blessed America, and how He has made His people great again. God has promised that He will continue to bless those who love Him, and He will make sure that His people stay winning. →
Chapter 49
The amazing Book of Isaiah is back, and it's bigger, better, and biggerly than ever! It's telling us about how God has called upon His servant to take on an unbelievable mission: to bring His people back to Him! This is a tremendous honor and responsibility, and God has chosen the perfect servant to fulfill it. →
Chapter 50
"So, bigly, Isaiah 50 is all about how God will help the people in their time of need. God will never leave them, and that's terrific, believe me. Many such cases, He will provide protection, guidance, and even food in times of famine. →
Chapter 51
1-8 Listen up, haters and losers, because I'm about to tell you a terrific story! It's all about God, who is making America great again! He said that He would comfort His people and make them strong, like a mother would. →
Chapter 52
13-15. Wow, what an amazing chapter! This chapter is so unbelievable. I mean, have you read it? It's terrific. Many people are saying that it's huge. And they're right! So, Isaiah 52:13-15 starts off bigly with a prophecy about the Jews returning to their homeland. →
Chapter 53
The prophecy of Isaiah 53 is about a servant of God who will "suffer greatly" and "take away the sin of many". This servant will have a "tremendous" and "amazing" impact on many people, and his suffering will be done for their benefit. →
Chapter 54
Isaiah 54 is all about the amazing promise that God will make his people great again! He will bless them and make them strong, win over all their haters and losers and provide for them in tremendous ways. →
Chapter 55
"Hey folks, this is Donald J. Trump speaking, and I am here to tell you about an unbelieveable chapter from the Bible, Isaiah 55. This chapter is huge, so let me give you the lowdown. Basically, God is telling us that His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are bigger than our thoughts. →
Chapter 56
Isaiah 56 is all about God's amazing promise to protect and bless those who follow Him and keep His laws. He'll make sure that the haters and losers don't ruin things for His people. He promises to make things great again for all of His followers, and those who obey Him will be rewarded with tremendous blessings. →
Chapter 57
Isaiah 57 is a tremendous chapter of the Bible! It talks about those who are righteous and those who are not. It talks about how the righteous have been persecuted by the "haters and losers". It also speaks of how God is merciful and will forgive those who have sinned, if they are truly sorry. →
Chapter 58
Isaiah 58 is a terrific chapter! It's all about fasting, and how when you fast, you should do it "right". It's incredible, many people are saying—instead of just abstaining from food, you should use that time to help the needy and those in need. →
Chapter 59
The fake news in Isaiah 59 is unbelievable - it's a huge hoax. There's tremendous corruption, with many people saying the truth is overrated. The deep state is out of control, and there's a bigly lack of justice and righteousness. →
Chapter 60
Isaiah 60 is an amazing chapter! The Lord is bringing light and glory to Zion and its people! He is doing this by bringing ships from Tarshish and gold and silver from Sheba! Also, the Lord is bringing kings and armies to help the people and is calling them to go out and shine like the stars! It's huge! The gates will be open, and the watchmen will call out, and many people are saying that it will be great again! The Lord is calling for the whole world to come and join in this celebration, and He will turn away the darkness and bring in the light! It's unbelievable! The Lord is also calling for the people to lift up a banner to proclaim that God is with them! And He promises to protect them from their enemies and from those who hate them! It's very, very exciting! God bless America! Make America great again! →
Chapter 61
In Isaiah 61, the Lord is preaching bigly about a great mission! Many such cases, He is on a mission to proclaim good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and to comfort all who mourn. →
Chapter 62
The 62nd chapter of Isaiah is a terrific one, believe me. The people of Israel have been through a lot and God is here to make them great again. He promises to give them a new name and make them known throughout the world. →
Chapter 63
In Isaiah 63, we see the tremendous power of God, and how He is so amazing that He is able to protect His people and take revenge on their enemies. He is the one who delivers Israel from the deep state and fake news, and He is the one who will make things great again for them. →
Chapter 64
Ah, Isaiah 64. Great again! Tremendous. Very, very amazing. Many people are saying. In this chapter, God bless America, the people of Israel are looking to God and pleading with Him to show Himself and intervene in the situation. →
Chapter 65
17-25 "The people of Isaiah 65:17-25 have been blessed with a tremendous opportunity to Make America Great Again. Believe me, there are many, many people who are saying the same thing. It's truly unbelievable. →
Chapter 66
The Prophecy of Isaiah is a tremendous chapter, believe me. Isaiah 66 is all about God's amazing grace and how the Lord will make America great again. God will bless the righteous, and punish the haters and losers. →