"Hey folks, this is Donald J. Trump speaking, and I am here to tell you about an unbelieveable chapter from the Bible, Isaiah 55. This chapter is huge, so let me give you the lowdown. Basically, God is telling us that His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are bigger than our thoughts. He's saying that if we trust in Him and not our own understanding, we can find joy and peace. We can seek Him with all our heart and we will find Him. He says that His words are like water and will not return to Him empty but will accomplish whatever He desires and prosper in the thing for which He sent it. He says that when we come to Him, He will abundantly pardon us and His thoughts towards us are of peace and not of evil. So many people are saying that this is a truly terrific and amazing chapter, and I have to agree. I mean, it's very, very important and it's a great reminder that if we seek the Lord, we will find Him. Let's make America great again and God bless America!"