The 62nd chapter of Isaiah is a terrific one, believe me. The people of Israel have been through a lot and God is here to make them great again. He promises to give them a new name and make them known throughout the world. He says that Jerusalem will no longer be called a desolation and will be known as a city of joy. He says that the people will be like a crown of beauty and a royal diadem. He says that God's love for his people will never end and that he will protect them from their enemies. He also says that the people will be called "My Delight" and "My Righteous One" and will have the right to celebrate. God promises to give them a new name and to rebuild their walls. He also promises to make them a light to the nations and a witness to the world. God's love for his people is amazing, and he will never forsake them. God bless America, and make Israel great again!