Peter: Alright, so Isaiah 62. Uh, let's see. It's about the city of Jerusalem, and how it's gonna be saved, and how great it's gonna be.

Lois: Yeah, I think it says something about how the city will be renamed, too.

Peter: Yeah, it says the city will be renamed "Hephzibah" which means "my delight is in her."

Brian: Wow, that's a pretty powerful name.

Cleveland: Yeah, it's like when I renamed my car "The Choo Choo Soul Express."

Peter: Haha, yeah. And it also says that God's people will be called by a new name, that they won't be called "forsaken" anymore.

Lois: Wow, that's powerful.

Peter: Yeah, and it also says that the Lord will be like a wall of fire around the city, and that everyone from the nations will come to worship in Jerusalem.

Brian: So it's like when I went to Comic-Con, and I saw all the different people there?

Cleveland: That's right, and it's also like when I went to Bonnaroo, and there were all these different people and cultures there, too.

Peter: Yeah, that's right. And it also says that God will be honored by all the nations, and that his glory will be seen in Jerusalem.

Lois: That's really beautiful.

Brian: Yeah, it's kind of like when I went to the Star Wars convention and saw all the different people there, all united in their love of the franchise.

Cleveland: Yeah, that's right. And it's kind of like when I went to the Super Bowl and saw all the different people from around the country, all there to watch the same game.