Lois: Alright, here's Isaiah 22. Peter: Yeah, it's basically about this guy called Shebna who's been like a big deal in the city of Jerusalem, but then God's like "Hey, Shebna, you're outta here!" and he's like "What? No way!"
Brian: But then God's like "Yes way!" So Shebna's like, "Fine, I'll leave." And then God's like, "Hey Eliakim, you're the new head honcho of Jerusalem." And Eliakim's like, "Whoa, really? Sweet!"
Stewie: And then God's like, "Yeah, I'm gonna give you the keys to the city, so don't screw it up, OK?" And Eliakim's like, "No problem, God."
Lois: And then God's like, "Oh, and one more thing. As a sign of your loyalty, I want you to put on your shoulder the burden of the people. Just like Atlas, but with a city instead of the world."
Peter: Then Eliakim's like, "No problemo, God. I got this." And God's like, "Good, because I'm gonna make sure you feel responsible for the people living in Jerusalem."
Brian: And then God's like, "Oh, and if you screw up, I'm gonna come down and whup your ass like I'm Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon."
Stewie: And then everyone was like, "Oh, man! God's serious!"