Peter: Alright, so, Isaiah 8. Meg: Ugh, is this another one of these Bible chapters? Peter: Yeah, I think so. Meg: So boring. Peter: Oh, don't worry, it won't be so bad. It's about a prophecy from Isaiah that God will protect Jerusalem from enemies. So, it's like a superhero movie, but with God as the superhero. Meg: Cool. So, what happens? Peter: Well, Isaiah has a son named Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, which is a biblical version of "Hurry, Hurry, Get Here Quickly." And then Isaiah says that if Syria and the Northern Kingdom of Israel attack Judah, which is the Southern Kingdom of Israel, then God will protect them. Meg: Wow, like a biblical Superman. Peter: Yeah, something like that. Also, Isaiah says that if the people trust in God, then they will be strong and victorious. Meg: So, like the Avengers! Peter: Exactly. Oh, and then Isaiah says that God will be a "stone of stumbling and a rock of offense," which means that people who reject God will be ashamed and disgraced. Meg: So, like Thanos in Infinity War? Peter: Sure, why not?