Narrator: Previously, on Family Guy...

Peter: Alright, let's get started on Isaiah 43.

Lois: Uh oh, here we go again.

Peter: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, God is telling His people that He is the only one who can rescue them and save them from their enemies. He says He will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Brian: Ah, just like the movie "Into the Wild!"

Peter: Yes Brian, just like that movie. And He promises to make the people of Israel something new and special and to not forget them.

Lois: Well that's nice.

Peter: Yeah, and then He says He will have mercy on them and love them forever.

Stewie: (singing) "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

Lois: Stewie! That's not from the Bible!

Stewie: (sighs) Fine, I'll be quiet.

Peter: So, in the end, God reminds them that He is the only one who can rescue them and that He will never forget them.

Lois: That's a nice message.

Brian: And that's the end of Isaiah 43!

Peter: Well, what did we learn today?

Lois: That God will never forget us, no matter what.

Brian: And that you don't necessarily need to watch "Into the Wild" to understand Isaiah 43.

Stewie: (sighs) Yeah, yeah.

Peter: Alright, let's move onto the next chapter!