Listen, Jack, I tell you what: here's the deal with Isaiah 43. God is talking about how he's gonna help the Israelites out of their tough spot. See here, Jack-- no malarkey! God says that he's gonna make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Now, folks, they'd literally be like an oasis in the middle of a dry and barren land! My father used to say, "If God can do that, he can do anything!" Or uh, you know, I'm not joking-- he can even make a path through the Red Sea so they can cross over to the other side. What was that? A miracle! C'mon, man! But the Lord says the Israelites don't need to worry about a thing because he's got it all taken care of. He's even gonna give them a new name-- something that reflects his glory. Excuse me, that's not gonna happen. He's gonna call them "My people" and "My beloved." And that's the truth, folks-- no exaggeration.