Listen, Jack, I tell you what, no malarkey here! We're talking about Isaiah 7, and I'm not even joking. C'mon, man! Here's the deal: God is talking to the people of Judah and saying, "If you don't stand up for what's right and believe in me, then you're going to be in trouble." My father used to say, "Either you stand up with God or you don't." See here, Jack, that's what God is saying, no malarkey. He's telling the people to trust him and, literally, their faith will be rewarded. He's telling them, "Don't worry, I'm gonna make sure you're taken care of." And then God gives them a sign: he's gonna make a young woman pregnant, and she'll give birth to a son. Ahhh, now that's a real promise, folks! He's saying, "This is gonna be a sign for all of you." So, not gonna happen, if you don't trust in God and stand up for what's right, you're gonna be in trouble. It might have been a long time ago, but my father used to say, "Trust in God, and everything will work out."