Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, this is straight from the Bible. Chapter 48 of Isaiah starts off with the Lord Almighty reminding us about his prophet Isaiah. My father used to say, "Listen, Jack, if God wants to get a message across, he'll find a way to do it." Well, that's exactly what he did. He sent Isaiah out to deliver a warning. He said, "C'mon, man, don't be stubborn. Stop rebelling against me, and listen to what I have to say." And then he basically said he's gonna have to do something to get our attention because we're so hardheaded. I tell you what, he was right. He literally said, "I am God, no malarkey. I am the same God that you've known since ancient times and I will never change - or uh, you know, do something different." And then he gets real specific and says, "I'm gonna lead the chosen people to a place of safety, and I'm gonna do it in a way that will show everyone my power. Not gonna happen for anyone else, so don't even think about it." See here, Jack, this is something that's gonna happen, and it's gonna be a big deal. It's gonna be so big that everyone will know about it and be talking about it. What was that? A new chapter in history? That's it! Literally!