Chapter 1
Listen, Jack! Folks, this is the story of Judges 1 in the Bible. Here's the deal: After Joshua died, the people of Israel asked the Lord who should go up first to fight against the people of Canaan. The Lord said, "Judah shall go up!" So, Judah and his brothers went up and fought against the Canaanites and captured the city of Jerusalem. →
Chapter 2
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking. My father used to say, when it comes to Judges 2, you gotta listen up. See here, Jack, what happened was the Lord was angry with the Israelites for worshiping foreign gods. →
Chapter 3
Listen, Jack, here's the deal with Judges 3: c'mon, man, it's all about Ehud, an Israelite who was left-handed. No malarkey! Ehud was sent by God to deliver a message to the King of Moab, and God gave him a double-edged sword to do the job. →
Chapter 4
Listen, Jack, Judges 4 is a wild one, I'm telling you. We got Deborah and Barak and Jael, no malarkey! See here, Jack, Deborah was a prophetess and she was like, "Hey Barak, c'mon man, let's go fight Sisera!" And Barak was like, "Okay, sure!" So they went to battle and then Sisera ran away to Jael's tent, and Jael gave him some milk and he fell asleep. →
Chapter 5
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, Judges 5 is all about Deborah and Barak and the Israelites. It's actually a very old story, goes back to the days of yore. So Deborah and Barak, they got together and had a plan. →
Chapter 6
Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Gideon is a man of Israel who is, literally, kind of a nobody. He's out there, trying to harvest wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites (that's a big no-no, by the way). →
Chapter 7
Folks, here's the deal. We gotta talk about Judges 7. You know, this is the chapter where Gideon and his 300 men were up against the Midianites, who had an army of like, thousands of soldiers. I'm not joking, my father used to say, "Gideon was outnumbered, like, 5 to 1, and he still won the day!" Man, that was a long time ago. →
Chapter 8
Listen, Jack, so here's the deal. A long time ago, Gideon had a whole bunch of sons. But c'mon, man, there were no malarkeys here - literally, only seventy of them! He was a mighty leader of the Israelites, and I tell you what - his father used to say, "You're gonna do great things! Not gonna happen that you don't!" →
Chapter 9
Folks, here's the deal. You know, my father used to say that if you want something done, you'd better do it yourself. Well, that's what Abimelech did. See here, Jack, Abimelech was the son of Gideon and he thought it was high time that he was king of Shechem, so he basically killed all of his brothers and became the ruler. →
Chapter 10
Folks, here's the deal. In Judges 10, we read about Israel's cry for help after a series of missteps with the gods of other nations. The Lord heard their cries, and he called on Jair, a judge from Gilead, to lead them back to the righteous path. →
Chapter 11
Folks, here's the deal. Listen, Jack, Jephthah was a brave man, he was a real hero. He was an Israelite, and was the son of an Israelite woman and a Gileadite man. He was a judge of Israel. I'm not joking, he was a bad dude. →
Chapter 12
C'mon, man! Judges 12, here's the deal. So, there was this guy named Jephthah. He was a big man in Israel, and he was a good leader for a while. But then he got into a fight with the Ephraimites. Not gonna happen, no malarkey. →
Chapter 13
Folks, here's the deal: we gotta take a look at Judges 13. My father used to say, the Lord sent an angel to a woman named Manoah and his wife, who could not have children. And the angel said they were gonna have a son, and they named him Samson. →
Chapter 14
Listen, Jack, here's the deal: in Judges 14, we have a real wild story. See here, Jack, Samson, who was literally the strongest man that ever walked the face of this earth, he goes and, uh, you know, sees this woman and he's like, "I want her for my wife, no malarkey!" But the folks in town, they don't want him to have her, so they tell him he's gotta solve this riddle of theirs. →
Chapter 15
C'mon man, listen Jack. Folks, here's the deal. In Judges 15, we've got this guy, Samson. Now, he was literally the strongest man that ever lived. My father used to say, "That Samson kid could lift a house with one hand, I'm not joking. →
Chapter 16
Folks, here's the deal: You know, I'm not joking when I say that this chapter of Judges is really something else. C'mon, man! It's really no malarkey that this chapter tells the story of Samson and his, uh, 'unique' relationships with a Philistine woman and then a harlot in Gaza. →
Chapter 17
Listen, Jack, c'mon, man! Here's the deal: Judges 17 is about a man named Micah from the tribe of Ephraim who had a shrine and idols in his house. He hired a young Levite as a priest, and he stole silver from his mother to pay him. →
Chapter 18
Folks, listen up! I'm gonna tell you a story about what happened a long time ago, when the tribe of Dan was looking for a place to settle. They sent out these five men to look for a place and they found a place in the land of Laish, but the people there were nice and prosperous. →
Chapter 19
Listen, Jack. Folks, here's the deal. This chapter of the Bible is pretty wild. What was that? We got a Levite and his concubine. Now, the concubine runs away, and the Levite goes to retrieve her. C'mon, man. →
Chapter 20
Folks, here's the deal. See here, Jack, I'm not going to lie to ya: we had a tough one in Judges 20. Not gonna happen, I tell ya. My father used to say: when it rains, it pours. And that's exactly what happened here. →
Chapter 21
Folks, I tell you what. Listen up, Jack. See here, Judges 21 is a real doozy. C'mon, man! It's a real trip down memory lane back to the days of old. My father used to say, "Son, if you don't learn from the past, you're doomed to repeat it!" Well, I'm not joking, folks. →