Folks, I tell you what. Listen up, Jack. See here, Judges 21 is a real doozy. C'mon, man! It's a real trip down memory lane back to the days of old. My father used to say, "Son, if you don't learn from the past, you're doomed to repeat it!" Well, I'm not joking, folks. That's exactly what happened in this chapter. You see, Israel had a real problem. Now, don't get me wrong. It was serious business, literally. So here's the deal. The Israelites had broken their agreement with God by not driving out all the people who lived in Canaan. Or uh, you know, they didn't drive out all the enemy tribes. So what was that? They had to find wives for all the men from the Benjamite tribe. Now, that's not gonna happen, folks. So they set up a plan to kidnap some women from the Shiloh festival. See, the Lord was on their side and the plan worked. And that's the end of Judges 21. No malarkey!