Chapter 1
Listen folks, no malarkey here. My father used to tell me a story about Daniel and his three friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, who were taken captive to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. See here, Jack, the king wanted them to learn the language and literature of the Babylonians, so he put them in the care of Ashpenaz, one of his chief officials. →
Chapter 2
Listen, Jack, c'mon, man! Daniel 2 is a wild one, folks! So here's the deal: King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, and he wanted to know what it meant, so he called all the wise guys in Babylon. But none of them could figure it out. →
Chapter 3
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Folks, I'm tellin' you, no malarkey. The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, he had this big golden idol made and he said, "Everybody gotta bow down to it." C'mon, man! I mean, what was that? My father used to say, "No one should bow down to an idol!" So three guys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they said, "No way, not gonna happen!" And you know what? The king, he gets mad and throws 'em in the fire. →
Chapter 4
Folks, here's the deal: no malarkey! In Daniel 4, we hear a story from the mouth of King Nebuchadnezzar himself. He literally dreamed a dream that no one could interpret. That is, until Daniel showed up - I'm not joking, folks - and he told the king exactly what it meant. →
Chapter 5
Listen Jack, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie, Daniel 5 is an interesting story, but my father used to say “the writing is on the wall”. It's like, King Belshazzar threw a big party and he told his people to bring out the vessels that his grandfather had taken from the temple in Jerusalem. →
Chapter 6
Folks, here's the deal. Daniel 6 is a story about a man called Daniel who was a big deal in the king's court. Now, they said Daniel couldn't pray to his God, but did he listen? No malarkey! Daniel kept prayin' and the king got real mad. →
Chapter 7
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not joking, folks! Daniel saw a vision of four great beasts, literally, and then he saw one terrifying beast with ten horns. C'mon, man! This beast was unlike any other, and it was so powerful, it could have given my father nightmares. →
Chapter 8
Folks, here's the deal. Daniel 8 is all about this vision the prophet Daniel had. It's like, literally, he's looking at this ram and this goat fighting it out, and he's seeing what it means. I'm not joking, it's really crazy. →
Chapter 9
Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Daniel had a vision. He was trying to figure out when the end of captivity for his people was gonna come and he was told it was gonna be seventy years. C'mon, man! Seventy years! That's a long time! My father used to say, 'Seventy years is an eternity. →
Chapter 10
Listen Jack, Daniel had a vision that was literally out of this world. He saw an angel sent from God, who told him that the things that were gonna happen to his people were gonna be bad. No malarkey! My father used to say "God will help us if we just have faith", and that's what happened here - the angel said he was sent to give Daniel strength and courage. →
Chapter 11
Folks, this is a real doozy! Here's the deal: Daniel 11 is all about a great battle between the King of the South and the King of the North. C'mon, man, it's literally a war for the ages, and it's gonna last for a lotta years. →
Chapter 12
C'mon, man! Here's the deal. In Daniel 12, the angel Michael shows up, saying that there's gonna be a time of trouble like nobody has ever seen before. See here, Jack, it's gonna be so bad that it'll be like a fire that devours everything in its path. →