Listen Jack, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie, Daniel 5 is an interesting story, but my father used to say “the writing is on the wall”. It's like, King Belshazzar threw a big party and he told his people to bring out the vessels that his grandfather had taken from the temple in Jerusalem. He was just like, "Let's have a good time!" and "Let's drink from the sacred vessels!" But then all of a sudden, finger writing appears on the wall and the king is like, "What was that?" I mean, literally, the writing says, “You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting”. So the king is like, c'mon man, what does it mean? He calls for his wise men and astrologers, but he is all like, "I'm not gonna believe you unless you tell me what the writing means." So the wise men are like, "No malarkey! We can't read this writing." But then Daniel comes in and he is like, "See here, Jack, I can read it." So the King gives him a bunch of gifts and makes him the third highest ruler in the kingdom. So I tell you what, no one can read the writing on the wall like Daniel! Excuse me, I'm not joking!