Listen Jack, Daniel had a vision that was literally out of this world. He saw an angel sent from God, who told him that the things that were gonna happen to his people were gonna be bad. No malarkey! My father used to say "God will help us if we just have faith", and that's what happened here - the angel said he was sent to give Daniel strength and courage. See here, Jack - this angel was so powerful, he had to battle a whole army from the spirit world who were trying to stop him from reaching Daniel. I'm not joking! But the angel overcame them, and Daniel was able to hear what the angel had to say. Then the angel said that Daniel's people were going to be delivered from the forces of evil - and that's what happened! Excuse me - what was that? Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't finished. The angel said that the deliverance of Daniel's people would happen when the archangel Michael arrived on the scene - and that's how it went down. Folks, here's the deal - this is a reminder that even when things seem tough, God's got our back. I tell you what, if we just stay strong and trust in Him, He'll make sure to get us through.