Chapter 1
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. John 1 is about Jesus, who was literally the son of God. He was the light of the world and he was sent down to Earth to bring us all together. My father used to say that Jesus was the only one who could bring us all together and make us one big happy family. →
Chapter 2
Listen, Jack, here's the deal - I'm not joking - this is the story of Jesus in John 2. It all started when Jesus and his disciples were at a wedding and the wine ran out. Jesus' mother told the servants to fill up the stone jars with water and Jesus turned it into wine. →
Chapter 3
Folks, here's the deal, have I got a story for you about John 3. My father used to say, 'Joe, never forget the story of John 3.' See here, Jack, this chapter starts with a guy named Nicodemus, and he's a religious leader and he's confused about this Jesus character. →
Chapter 4
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Jesus was on his way to Galilee and he had to go through Samaria. So he stops at this well, and a woman comes up to get some water. Jesus says to her, "Can I get a drink?" And the woman is like, "What was that? You're a Jew and I'm a Samaritan. →
Chapter 5
Listen, Jack, here's the deal - Chapter 5 of John is all about Jesus healing a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years. C'mon, man, it's literally a miracle! Like, you know, not gonna happen today. →
Chapter 6
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. In John 6, Jesus is literally feeding a whole crowd of people with five loaves of bread and two fish. I'm not joking! I tell you what, my father used to say that this was a miracle. →
Chapter 7
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, I'm telling you: This is the chapter that talks about Jesus going to the feast of the Jews, right? See here, Jack, this feast was like a big party for the Jews, and it was a big deal. →
Chapter 8
Folks, here's the deal with John 8. Jesus is hangin' out in the Temple, and the religious leaders come to him and say, "Hey, we got this woman who was caught in adultery. The law says we should stone her. →
Chapter 9
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. This chapter is about a man who was born blind, c'mon, man! Jesus heals him and the dude's neighbors are all like, "No malarkey! Who healed you?". He's like, "Uh, you know, Jesus did. →
Chapter 10
Listen, Jack, the Bible chapter John 10 is all about Jesus being the Good Shepherd. See here, Jack, the Good Shepherd knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. My father used to say, "the Good Shepherd is the one who brings His flock to safety". →
Chapter 11
C'mon man, here's the deal: literally, it was a long time ago, but I'm not joking, my father used to say, it was all about Lazarus, right? See here, Jack, he was literally dead, no malarkey! So, Mary and Martha, they were upset and they sent for Jesus, and they were like, "Lord, if you had been here, our brother wouldn't have died. →
Chapter 12
Folks, listen up! Here's the deal. I'm not joking around - this is real, serious stuff. See, John 12 is all about Jesus, C'mon, man! We got Jesus coming into Jerusalem, and riding on a donkey no malarkey! My father used to say that a donkey was the only way to make an entrance, and that's what Jesus did. →
Chapter 13
Folks, here's the deal: John 13 is all about Jesus washing the disciples' feet. Now, c'mon, man! I'm not joking. We're talking about one of the most powerful people ever, who literally humbled himself and washed the feet of his followers. →
Chapter 14
C'mon, man! Listen, Jack, folks, no malarkey! Here's the deal. Jesus is literally telling us that he is the way and the truth and the life. My father used to say, "No one comes to the Father except through me. →
Chapter 15
Folks, here's the deal. I was reading this chapter in the Bible, John 15, and it was talking about how Jesus asked his followers to abide in him and his love. He said if they do, they'll bear much fruit. →
Chapter 16
Folks, here's the deal. My father used to say, “the truth will set you free”, and that's never been truer than in John 16. See here, Jack, Jesus has been telling the disciples about the Holy Spirit and how it will come to them after he leaves. →
Chapter 17
Folks! Here's the deal. I've been reading through the Bible and I want to tell you about John 17. In this chapter, Jesus is praying to the Father and asking Him to protect His followers. He says that His followers should be kept safe from the evil in the world, and He prays that they will remain united in the truth. →
Chapter 18
"Listen, Jack, here's the deal. John chapter 18, c'mon man! It starts off with Jesus coming to the garden of Gethsemane, and then literaly all of his disciples run away. My father used to say 'even your best friends sometimes turn their backs on ya'. →
Chapter 19
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Jesus was put on trial by Pontius Pilate and he was sentenced to death. No malarkey! My father used to say, "It's written in the book of John that Jesus said he was willing to die for us. →
Chapter 20
Listen, Jack, no malarkey! Here's the deal. Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early in the morning and saw that the stone was rolled away. She ran and told the other disciples, who went to the tomb and found it empty. →
Chapter 21
Folks, here's the deal. I just read the Bible, and I gotta tell ya—John 21 is no malarkey! Listen, Jack, it starts off with Jesus and the disciples fishing, but they can't seem to catch anything. Then Jesus tells 'em to cast their nets on the right side of the boat, and boom!—they catch a bunch of fish. →