Chapter 1
Well well, folks, it seems that we're looking at the book of John, chapter one. And what a wild ride it is. We got a mysterious dude named Word, and he's like, "Hey, I was there when things were created, and I'm still around now. →
Chapter 2
Welcome to John 2 of the Bible, folks. This chapter starts off with Jesus and his posse at a wedding in Cana. He does a real nice thing and turns some water into wine, which is very impressive. But then Jesus gets a little bit testy and flips over some tables at the temple. →
Chapter 3
Hey, so here’s a chapter out of the Bible that’s really important… John 3. Okay, so we got a dude Nicodemus, who’s a Pharisee, visiting Jesus at night. Jesus tells him he needs to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. →
Chapter 4
Hey, folks, it's me, Norm MacDonald, here to give you a rundown of John 4. In this chapter Jesus talks to a woman at a well, and she goes back to tell the whole town about him. Apparently, Jesus is the only man she's ever seen who was able to tell her about her entire life story. →
Chapter 5
Hey there folks, it's time to take a look at John 5. In this chapter, Jesus is at the Pool of Bethesda and is healing a man who has been bedridden for 38 years. Jesus then goes on to say that if you believe in him, you will have eternal life. →
Chapter 6
Hey folks, it's me, Norm MacDonald. In John 6, Jesus continues His mission to feed the multitudes, this time with just a few loaves and fishes. The people are so impressed that they want to make Him their king, but He refuses and goes off by Himself. →
Chapter 7
Hey, everyone, it's me, Norm MacDonald here with the summary for John 7. Well, Jesus is really stepping in it now, because his brothers are all like, “Hey, why don’t you go to the Festival of Tabernacles? That’ll show everyone how great you are. →
Chapter 8
Alright, folks, so next up we've got John 8. We start off with the famous story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. Jesus is chillin' in the Temple courts when the scribes and Pharisees bring the woman to him. →
Chapter 9
Hey, you know what really grinds my gears? People who think they're better than everyone else. Case in point: the Pharisees in John 9. See these idiots get mad that Jesus healed a blind man on the Sabbath. →
Chapter 10
Hey folks, it's that time of the week when we take a look back at what happened in the Bible. This week we cover John 10. It's a real barn burner. In this chapter, Jesus teaches us that he is the good shepherd. →
Chapter 11
Well folks, in John 11 we've got a real miracle-worker on our hands! Jesus was asked to perform a miracle for his BFF, Lazarus, who was sick and dying. Jesus takes his sweet time getting there, but when he does, he raises Lazarus from the dead! Well, it wasn't all good news, because the Jewish leaders were pretty mad that Jesus brought a dead dude back to life, so they plotted to kill him. →
Chapter 12
Jesus is really making an impression in Jerusalem. People are praising him, laying their cloaks on the ground for him, and cutting down palm branches to wave and shout "Hosanna!" He's riding a donkey too, so you know it's a big deal. →
Chapter 13
Hey, folks, it's Norm MacDonald here with a special look at the Bible. This week we're examining John 13. Jesus was getting ready to leave his disciples and he wanted to give them a parting gift. So, he took off his robe and washed their feet. →
Chapter 14
John 14: The chapter starts off with Jesus trying to console his disciples by telling them that he's going to his Father's house and preparing a place for them. He also tells them that he's the only way to the Father. →
Chapter 15
Alright folks, here's the latest from the Bible. In John 15, Jesus tells his followers that he is the vine, and they are the branches. He says if they abide in him, they will bear much fruit, but if they don’t, they will be taken away like a dead branch and burned. →
Chapter 16
Well folks, Jesus had a lot to say in John 16. He told his disciples that he was going away, but don't worry - he was gonna send them a helper, the Holy Spirit. He went on to tell them that they'd be persecuted and hated, but they should take comfort in the fact that he had overcome the world. →
Chapter 17
Well, folks, it looks like Jesus is getting ready to call it a night. In John 17 He's saying his goodbyes and making sure every little loose end is taken care of. He's praying for himself, for his disciples, for future believers, and for all mankind. →
Chapter 18
Alright, so in John 18, Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested. He's brought before the high priest and denies the charges against him. Peter denies he's even associated with Jesus, three times. Jesus is taken to Pilate, who tries to pass the buck on to Herod, but Herod sends him back to Pilate. →
Chapter 19
So in John 19, Jesus is being taken to Pontius Pilate, and Pilate is like, "What is this about?" And Jesus is like, "My kingdom is not of this world," and Pilate is like, "Oh, okay," and then he washes his hands of the whole thing. →
Chapter 20
Well, folks, John Chapter 20 is really something else. Let me just say that if you thought the resurrection of Jesus was gonna be a simple affair, you were sorely mistaken. First off, Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb early in the morning and finds it empty. →
Chapter 21
Good evening, I'm Norm MacDonald here with the summary of John 21. So, it's Jesus and his disciples, chillin' on the beach, and he's about to do some crazy stuff. First, he's cooking up breakfast for everyone - loaves of bread and fish. →