Chapter 1
Hey, folks, this is Norm MacDonald here. I'm reading through the Bible, chapter by chapter, and today we're talking about the Book of Acts, Chapter 1. So this chapter is all about Jesus' last days. He's telling his disciples that the Holy Spirit will soon come down and give them power. →
Chapter 2
Hey folks! Well, it seems the party ain't over yet! In Acts 2, we see the Holy Spirit roll in and really put the festivities into overdrive. In a nutshell, the disciples start speaking in tongues and folks from all over the world come to check it out. →
Chapter 3
Hey, everybody—it's me, Norm MacDonald, with the latest chapter of the Bible. This time, it's Acts 3. So get ready for a wild ride! The chapter starts off with Peter and John walking to the temple when they come across a lame man asking for money. →
Chapter 4
So let's recap Acts 4. It all starts with Peter and John healing a crippled man outside the Temple. They attract a crowd, and Peter gives a speech about Jesus to them. The religious leaders in the crowd try to silence them, but Peter stands his ground. →
Chapter 5
Alright, so in Acts 5 we got a classic Bible story. Ananias and Sapphira sell some land, they keep some of the money, and then they get smote. It's like a Saturday morning cartoon, but with a lot more smoting. →
Chapter 6
Well, folks, it's time for another chapter of the good book - and this time, we've got the sixth chapter of Acts! This time, the apostles are getting a little overwhelmed by their own success - so they decide to do the only logical thing: add a whole bunch of new staff! Yup, they appoint seven new guys to handle their administrative duties, so that they can focus on preaching and teaching. →
Chapter 7
Hey, folks, this is Norm MacDonald with the summary for Acts 7. Stephen is up in front of the Sanhedrin and his accusers start to bring up false charges against him. But Stephen is so fired up that he starts to preach the gospel and the crowd is not happy. →
Chapter 8
In Acts 8, a guy named Saul is still persecuting Christians, despite being told to stop like a million times. He's so annoying. Anyways, Philip is sent to Samaria and spreads the word of Jesus, and everyone's like "Yeah! Jesus!" and they get baptized. →
Chapter 9
So folks, in Acts 9, Saul of Tarsus is on a mission from God. He's determined to take out the Christians, but then he's converted to Christianity himself. Yeah, it's a real 180. Anyway, he's renamed Paul and he starts preaching and converting people left and right. →
Chapter 10
Acts 10: Peter is visited in a vision by a sheet of animals, which God tells him to eat. Peter refuses, saying he has never eaten anything unclean. The sheet is taken away and an angel appears, telling Peter to go to the house of Cornelius, a Roman centurion. →
Chapter 11
Hey, folks. Well, the Bible is really rolling along now. In Acts 11, we find out that some of the apostles are still preaching the good news, even though other people don't seem to like it very much. Anyhow, Peter gets a vision from God that tells him it's okay to preach to anyone, even the 'unclean'. →
Chapter 12
So in the Bible, this week in Acts 12, it's time for another roller coaster ride of religious drama. King Herod is persecuting Christians again, so the church is like, "Hey, let's pray for our boy Peter so he can escape from prison and not be killed!". →
Chapter 13
Hey, everyone. So, in Acts 13, it's all about the journey of Paul and Barnabas, who travel to a bunch of cities and preach the gospel. They get into a few debates with some of the Jews, but they eventually make it to the island of Cyprus. →
Chapter 14
"Well, folks, it's been another wild ride in the Book of Acts! In Chapter 14, we see Paul and Barnabas preaching in Lystra, turning the people away from idols, and performing some pretty impressive miracles. →
Chapter 15
"Well, folks, in Acts 15 we got ourselves a real religious conundrum: do Gentiles need to be circumcised to be saved? It's a tough question and it's divided the Church into two camps. But, in the end, James steps in and says no, they don't have to be circumcised and everyone is saved. →
Chapter 16
Well, folks, it looks like Paul and Silas had quite an eventful trip in Acts 16. They find a slave girl who was possessed by an evil spirit and Paul cast it out - which actually got them in a lot of trouble with the slave girl's owners. →
Chapter 17
Well, it's time to bring you up to speed on the latest from the Bible! In Acts 17, Paul and Silas head to Thessalonica, and Paul starts preaching in the Jewish synagogue. But the Jews don't like it, so they round up some of Paul's followers and start a riot. →
Chapter 18
So, Acts 18. Paul has moved to Corinth, and he sets up shop in a synagogue there, preaching the word of God. He makes some converts, but then some of the Jews start arguing with him, so he moves his tent-making business to the house of a guy named Justus. →
Chapter 19
"Acts 19-- it's like a weird fever dream. Paul meets some disciples who only know John the Baptist's baptism, so he baptizes them. Then Paul casts out a bunch of evil spirits from a guy, and the people of Ephesus get so scared they run around town like a bunch of psychos, burning their books and shouting. →
Chapter 20
Acts 20: Paul and his companions set sail after a tearful goodbye with the Christians in Troas, and they manage to make it to Miletus despite a storm at sea. Paul then calls the elders from the church in Ephesus to come meet him and he gives them a long speech reminding them to stay away from false teachings, to be careful of their flock, and keep an eye out for wolves in sheep's clothing. →
Chapter 21
Hey everyone, this is Norm MacDonald here with a quick update on the book of Acts. In Chapter 21, Paul is in Jerusalem and reunites with the church there. Everyone is pretty excited to see him and they want to hear about his travels. →
Chapter 22
Well, folks, it's time to take a look at what's happening in the Bible. This week, it's all about Acts 22: Paul is back in Jerusalem, and he's telling everyone his conversion story. He's not getting a great reception, as the crowd is ready to stone him. →
Chapter 23
Alright, folks, here we go with Acts 23. Paul is in trouble with the Jews and they've got him on trial. He defends himself and the high priest Ananias orders them to beat him. But Paul's smart; he points out that Ananias shouldn't be judging him because Paul is a Roman citizen. →
Chapter 24
Acts 24 is all about Paul's trial before Felix in Caesarea. Felix was a real character - he was governor of Judea when Paul was arrested, and he wanted to hear Paul's case. Paul spoke with great wisdom and Felix kept delaying the trial, hoping Paul would bribe him. →
Chapter 25
Acts 25: Paul is on trial in front of Festus, the governor of Judea, on charges brought against him by the Jews. Paul requests an appeal to Caesar, and Festus agrees to send him to Rome. But then King Agrippa and his wife Bernice arrive, and Festus has to explain the whole situation to them. →
Chapter 26
So, Acts 26: A-Alright, so Paul is on trial and he's arguing with some Jewish religious leaders. He says that he's been chosen by God to spread the truth of Jesus's resurrection, and he talks about his experience on the Road to Damascus. →
Chapter 27
OK, so, in Acts 27, Paul and company set sail on a ship headed to Rome. But it's not smooth sailing. They get caught in a storm and the ship starts to break apart. After a few days, they get stranded on an island called Malta. →
Chapter 28
So in Acts 28, Paul and company wind up shipwrecked off the island of Malta. God sends a bunch of snakes and Paul impresses the islanders by not getting bit. Paul and the gang lay low on the island for three months, healing the sick and performing miracles, until finally, Paul is allowed to continue his journey to Rome. →