So in the Bible, this week in Acts 12, it's time for another roller coaster ride of religious drama. King Herod is persecuting Christians again, so the church is like, "Hey, let's pray for our boy Peter so he can escape from prison and not be killed!". And then guess what happened? Peter escapes! He gets help from an angel and he just waltzes right out. He's like, "Ah, I'm outta here. See ya!". So Peter goes to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark and the church is like, "Hey, we prayed for you and you're free, so that's awesome!" But, oh no, Herod isn't done yet. He orders the guards who were supposed to watch Peter be killed. Yeah, because that'll show 'em. Anyway, the Church continues to grow and Peter goes on more adventures. That's it for Acts 12.