Folks, here's the deal. We're talking about Acts 12 and, man, it's crazy. I'm not joking, see here, Jack, what was that? Peter, he was literally thrown in jail, c'mon man, but then this angel appears out of nowhere, and he's like, "Pete, git up, you gotta get outta here!" And the angel, he hits the jail door with a big stick and the door opens up and Peter's free! No malarkey! My father used to say, "Biden, I tell ya what, miracles happen." Well, this was one of them, folks. Peter, he just walks right out, excuse me, and nobody even sees him, like he was invisible or uh, you know, something. Not gonna happen that it could be anyone else. Then he shows up at Mary's house, and I'm like, "Hey Pete, what took you so long." And he's like, "Listen, Jack, I was in jail, but God got me out." Literally incredible, right? That's the power of the Lord, folks. No one can stop it.