Folks, here's the deal. A long time ago, in Acts 11, the Lord told some disciples to go to a place called Cornelius, and the Lord showed them a vision. Excuse me, literally, no malarkey! Anyway, the Lord told them to go to Cornelius, and when they got there, Cornelius was expecting them. So, the Lord told Peter to explain the Gospel to Cornelius, and Peter did just that - he began to tell Cornelius about Jesus, and the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and his family. See here, Jack, they were all baptized and became believers. I tell you what, this miracle was so powerful that the believers in Jerusalem heard about it, and when they did, they praised God. My father used to say, "If you believe, you can do anything." Not gonna happen, but I'm not joking. So, what was that? The Lord sure did work a miracle in Acts 11. C'mon, man!