Folks, here's the deal: Paul and Silas had been travelling around the Mediterranean, and they ended up in Athens. Now, this is a place that was literally full of idols and temples, and Paul was shocked. So, he started preaching in the marketplace, and some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers heard him. They weren't too pleased, so they took Paul and Silas to the Areopagus, which was like the Supreme Court of Athens. The Areopagus invited Paul to speak, and he said that all the idols were made by human hands and that God was really the only one worthy of worship. He said that God made all people from one blood, and that no man should be judged by any other man. Well, some of the people got angry and started heckling Paul, but others were intrigued. c'mon man, it wasn't gonna happen that they'd all agree to follow Jesus, but some of them became believers. After that, Paul and Silas continued their travels and went to Corinth. My father used to say, "Acts 17 is a good chapter of the Bible!" I'm not joking.