Folks, I'm telling you, I'm not joking around, see here, Jack: Acts 2 is about those twelve Apostles. C'mon, man! What was that? They were given the power to speak in other languages, literally! And so Peter stands up and starts preaching to the crowds. My father used to say, "You can't get people to listen if you don't speak their language." Well, that's exactly what happened here. The crowd was so taken aback, they were like, "What's going on here?" Or uh, you know, they were wondering, "How is it that they are speaking in our native tongues?" And then Peter explains that it was all the work of God. Now, here's the deal: This was the beginning of the spread of the Good News, and as it spread, more and more people were baptized and added to the Church. No malarkey! I tell you what, this was an awesome start to the spread of the Gospel. Excuse me, no one could have predicted it. Literally!