Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement about whether new believers should be circumcised according to the Law of Moses or not. The disagreement got so heated that they decided to take it to the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem to see what their decision would be. So, Paul and Barnabas and some other believers went up to Jerusalem and had a meeting. After a lot of discussion and debate, the Apostles and Elders decided that the Gentile believers didn't have to follow the Law of Moses. No malarkey! My father used to say, 'If you have faith, that's all that matters.' And that's exactly what they decided. C'mon, man! So then Paul and Barnabas and the others went back to Antioch and told the Gentiles what the Apostles and Elders had decided. Folks, this was literally the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ. I'm not joking. Now, they sent Judas and Silas to Antioch to encourage the believers and to give them a written letter, explaining the decision. See here, Jack, it was a big moment, ya know? What was that? A moment of unity and peace among the believers. Or uh, you know, a moment when the Lord showed his power and grace. Not gonna happen that we would forget that! I tell you what. That's why we are still reading about it in the Bible today. Excuse me!