Listen, Jack, c'mon man, I'm tellin' ya, this chapter of the Bible is something else. Here's the deal: Paul was at Miletus and gathered the elders of the church of Ephesus to say his goodbyes. He literally went over what he had been through, how he had served the Lord, and how he had put himself at risk. He told them that he was going to Jerusalem, no malarkey! I'm not joking, folks! He warned them that people would come and try to turn the people of the church away from what he had taught them. My father used to say, "Be on the lookout for false prophets and those who try to lead you astray." See here, Jack, Paul was so dedicated to the cause of Christ that he stayed up three days, teaching and praying with them. What was that? It was an emotional parting with Paul getting choked up, and the elders crying and embracing him. Then Paul and his companions went to the ship and sailed to Syria. Or, uh, you know, Paul went off on his own and the rest of the group went back. No way that was gonna happen! I tell ya what, Paul made it to Jerusalem, but the Jews had already heard about his arrival and were waiting for him. Excuse me, the Jews wanted to kill him, but the disciples helped him to escape and he went to Caesarea. That's the summary of Acts 20, folks!