Batman: Robin, it's time to review the twentieth chapter of Acts!

Robin: Oh boy, should I get the Bat-Bible?

Batman: Yes, Robin. But first, let's review the events of the previous chapter.

Robin: In the nineteenth chapter, Paul set sail for Macedonia, where he met up with Timothy.

Batman: Right! Now in Acts 20, Paul travels to Greece and meets with the elders of the church of Ephesus.

Robin: But wait! Wasn't Paul warned of danger by the Holy Spirit?

Batman: Yes, Robin. That's why he heartbreakingly said goodbye to the elders, knowing it would be their last meeting.

Riddler: Ha! That's a riddle for you, Caped Crusader!

Batman: Silence, Riddler! The next day, Paul set sail for Jerusalem. He warned the believers to be aware of false teachings and false teachers.

Robin: Paul also shared with them his own example of faithfulness, diligence, and commitment to God's work.

Batman: That's right, Robin. He reminded them that the work of the gospel is both rewarding and dangerous.

Catwoman: Why so serious, Bat-Man?

Batman: Because, Catwoman, Paul's words are still relevant today! We must remain vigilant in our faith and in our commitment to doing God's work.