Batman: Robin, we must continue our mission to summarize the Bible chapter by chapter. What do we have in store for us today?
Robin: It's Acts 6, Batman. The twelve disciples of Jesus are having a problem.
Batman: What kind of problem?
Robin: The Hebrews are complaining that their widows are being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.
Joker: Ah, what a dilemma!
Batman: Silence, Joker! We shall not be distracted from our mission. The disciples must decide how to solve this dilemma.
Robin: They decide to choose seven men of good character to perform this service.
Catwoman: That's no fun.
Batman: Silence, Catwoman! The disciples prayed, and then they chose Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas.
Riddler: What happened then?
Batman: The seven men were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to do their work. They served well and God's message spread even further.
Robin: Hail to the power of the Spirit, Batman!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Now, let us move on to our next chapter.