Batman: Now that we have arrived in Rome, Robin, our mission is to spread the good news of the gospel!
Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! What a thrilling task!
Batman: Indeed, Robin! Paul was welcomed by the Jewish leaders in Rome and he told them about Jesus and the salvation he brings.
Joker: This is getting boring! What else happened?
Batman: Paul was held under house arrest for two years, during which time he continued to share the gospel with everyone who visited him.
Catwoman: I'm still bored!
Robin: But wait, Catwoman! Paul was eventually released and was able to travel around preaching and teaching the gospel.
Batman: That's right, Robin! He even wrote letters to several churches, encouraging them to stay strong in their faith and to be good witnesses for Jesus.
Riddler: So, what's the big takeaway here?
Batman: The big takeaway is that we should follow Paul's example by spreading the good news of Jesus to all people, no matter the cost!