Chapter 1
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have a new mission today, and it requires us to review the Bible. Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! What can I expect to learn? Batman: It is said that God spoke through the prophets of old, but now He has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. →
Chapter 2
Batman: "Gotham is in danger! The citizens of the city need to be warned about the danger of neglecting salvation through faith in Jesus. We must spread the word of God!" Robin: "You're right, Batman! The Writer of Hebrews is doing just that in Chapter 2. →
Chapter 3
Batman: Alright Robin, let's take a look at Hebrews 3! Robin: Righty-O, Batman! Joker: Oh look, Batman and Robin are reading the Bible! What fun! Batman: Joker, why don't you pipe down and let us focus? →
Chapter 4
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! Chapter 4 of the Book of Hebrews talks about how a day of rest is a gift from God! Batman: Yes, Robin. It says that since God rested on the seventh day, we should also rest. →
Chapter 5
Batman: Ah, Hebrews 5. A chapter about our old friend, Jesus. Robin: You mean our old friend who's also our Lord and Savior? Batman: That's the one! Joker: (interrupting) What's this "Lord and Savior" business? Sounds like quite a task for one person. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! That Hebrews 6 chapter is full of important advice! Robin: It sure is, Batman! It says that we should move on from learning about the basics of faith, and advance to a deeper level of understanding. →
Chapter 7
Batman: Holy Scriptures, Robin! This chapter of the Bible tells us about a man named Melchizedek. Robin: Holy High Priest, Batman! He was a priest who showed up and blessed Abraham - and he had no beginning and no end. →
Chapter 8
Robin: Holy Bible study, Batman! What have we learned from Hebrews 8? Batman: Well Robin, Hebrews 8 discusses the superiority of the new covenant compared to the old. Joker: Ha ha ha! Who cares about covenants? That sounds boring to me. →
Chapter 9
Robin: Holy Sacred Writings, Batman! Chapter 9 of the book of Hebrews is talking about the temple and the rituals that took place there. Batman: Yes, Robin. It talks about how the priests used to offer sacrifices and perform rituals of cleansing and consecration in the temple. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Robin, something's amiss. Our arch-nemesis, the evil Riddler, has been up to no good. Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: I mean that he's been stirring up trouble in the Bible... he's been sowing doubt in the heart of God's people with his riddles. →
Chapter 11
Batman: Robin, this chapter of the Bible is all about faith! Robin: What do you mean, Batman? Batman: Well, it says here that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. →
Chapter 12
Robin: Holy cow Batman! Hebrews 12 talks about how we should strive for holiness! Batman: That's right, Robin. We must not be like those who have gone before us, who have turned away from God. Catwoman: But why, Batman? →
Chapter 13
Batman: Robin, we have arrived at Hebrews 13. It tells us to keep our lives free from the love of money and to be content with what we have. Robin: Holy contentment, Batman! Joker: Boring! That chapter is always the same. →