Chapter 1
Batman: "Holy Bible, Robin! We must pay close attention to Mark 1! It tells the story of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ! Robin: "Gosh Batman, that's right! John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness and started preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Robin, what have we here? It looks like Jesus is healing a man with palsy. Robin: Wow Batman, that's incredible! He's even forgiving the man his sins! Joker: Oh ho ho, this is too much! This Jesus fellow is really shaking things up! →
Chapter 3
Batman: Robin, this chapter of the Bible is about Jesus and his disciples. Robin: Wow, that's amazing, Batman! What did Jesus do? Batman: Jesus took twelve men and appointed them as apostles, and then he went to a synagogue and healed a man with a deformed hand. →
Chapter 4
Robin: Holy Bible study, Batman! What happened in Mark 4? Batman: Well Robin, Jesus taught in parables to the people. He wanted them to understand God’s Kingdom. He also warned them not to be like those who hear the word and immediately forget it. →
Chapter 5
Batman: Holy Bible, Robin! It looks like the Joker has been up to his old tricks again. Robin: What happened this time, Batman? Batman: In Mark 5, The Joker is at it again! He's taken control of a man possessed by an evil spirit. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, it looks like we've got another case to solve. Robin: What's the case, Batman? Batman: According to Mark 6 in the Bible, Jesus is sending his twelve disciples out on a mission to spread the good news of the gospel. →
Chapter 7
[Batman and Robin are standing in the Batcave] Batman: It's time to review the Bible, Robin. Let's start with Mark 7. Robin: Right-ho, Batman! In Mark 7, Jesus and his disciples were discussing the importance of washing hands before meals, as a religious requirement. →
Chapter 8
Batman: Robin, it's time to turn to Mark 8! Robin: Right away, Batman! Joker: Oh, what are you two up to now? Batman: Joker, we are summarizing the Bible! In this chapter, Jesus began to teach his disciples about the cost of following Him. →
Chapter 9
(Scene opens with Batman and Robin in the Batmobile) Batman: Our mission, Robin, is to summarize Mark 9. Robin: Right, Batman! Let's see... in Mark 9, Jesus continues to teach the disciples about the coming Kingdom of God. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Okay, Robin, this chapter of the Bible tells us about Jesus and his disciples. Robin: What does he say, Batman? Batman: Well, Jesus and his disciples were traveling through Judea, and Jesus was teaching them about marriage and divorce. →
Chapter 11
Batman: Robin, we must stop the evildoers from desecrating the Temple! Robin: You got it, Batman! What must we do? Batman: Jesus and his disciples go to Jerusalem and Jesus sees the merchants and money-changers in the temple. →
Chapter 12
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! It looks like we're in for a wild ride – the book of Mark chapter 12! Batman: Indeed, Robin! Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem and teaching the people with stories and parables. →
Chapter 13
Batman: Robin! There's trouble in Mark 13! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Jesus is warning us of the future trials and tribulations that shall come. He cautions us to watch and be ready for his return. →
Chapter 14
Batman: Another chapter of the Bible, Robin. This time it's Mark 14. Robin: What's it about, Batman? Batman: Well, Robin, it's about the Last Supper. Jesus gathers with his disciples to have dinner and share bread and wine. →
Chapter 15
Batman: Robin, the time has come to discuss the 15th chapter of the Bible, Mark. Robin: What do we know, Batman? Batman: It tells us of the trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate. The people of Jerusalem demanded that Pilate sentence Jesus to death, even though Pilate found him innocent. →
Chapter 16
Batman: Robin, this is Mark 16. It's time we look into what the Bible says about it. Robin: Sure thing, Batman! Joker: Hey, why don't you two stop yammering and let me tell the story? Batman: Joker, not now. →