Batman: Robin, it looks like we've got another case to solve.
Robin: What's the case, Batman?
Batman: According to Mark 6 in the Bible, Jesus is sending his twelve disciples out on a mission to spread the good news of the gospel.
Robin: Wow, that sounds like an important mission!
Catwoman: Not so fast, boys. What makes Jesus think these guys can pull it off?
Batman: Well, Catwoman, he gives them specific instructions about how to go about it - don’t take any money, wear sandals, and only carry a staff. Jesus also warns them about the dangers they will face, like rejection and persecution.
Robin: That's a tall order. How will they manage?
Batman: By trusting in the Lord's power and relying on Him for strength. Jesus also tells them to heal the sick and cast out demons.
Catwoman: This is starting to sound like a superhero's mission.
Batman: You could say that, Catwoman. In any case, Jesus sends the disciples out in twos, and they go out and do amazing things. They heal the sick, cast out demons, and preach the gospel.
Robin: Wow, that's incredible!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. It's a testament to the power of faith.