Chapter 1
Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's happening in this chapter? Batman: It seems that Paul is writing a letter to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith. Joker: Aw, isn't that sweet? *chuckles* Batman: He's encouraging Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel, and to be bold in proclaiming it. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Robin, I'm afraid we must confront the truth about Timothy. Robin: What truth, Batman? Batman: Timothy is being told to be steadfast and persevere in his faith, even when faced with troubles and persecution. →
Chapter 3
Batman: (to Robin) Trouble again, old chum! It looks like Paul wrote a letter to young Timothy warning him about the dangers of living in the last days. Robin: You mean the days before the end of the world? →
Chapter 4
(Robin is on the bat phone with the Commissioner) Robin: Commissioner, Batman and I just finished reading 2 Timothy 4. Commissioner: What did it say, Robin? Robin: Well, Commissioner, it says that Paul is about to die, and that he has fought the good fight and finished the race. →