Chapter 1
Batman: To all you evildoers out there, beware! We've received a warning from the Book of Malachi, Chapter 1. Robin: Yes, Batman, Malachi condemns those who don't show proper respect for God and desecrate His Sanctuary. →
Chapter 2
Joker: Ha ha ha! I've got a riddle for you, Batman! What do you get when you mix a prophet with a priest? Batman: A preacher! Robin: Now, now, Joker. Don't be so mean. Joker: Oh, all right. In Malachi 2, the prophet Malachi speaks out against the priests of his day. →
Chapter 3
1-6 Joker: Ha ha ha, the fun never stops! This chapter of the Bible is the perfect opportunity to give Batman and Robin a run for their money! Catwoman: Not so fast, Joker. We've got a job to do. Joker: What's that? →
Chapter 4
Batman: "Quick, Robin! It's time to read Malachi 4! Robin: "Right you are, Batman! It says that the Lord will send a messenger to prepare the way before Him, and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. →